Stal Zegwaard congratulates Britt Dekker with her beautiful mini horse!!

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Stal Zegwaard congratulates Britt Dekker with her beautiful mini horse!! We were approached by Britt in her search for a mini horse that could do a lot of tricks with a special color. Unfortunately, we did not have this special pony at the moment…

Stal Zegwaard is going to downsize!

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Stal Zegwaard is downsizing! Unfortunately, we are going a bit smaller because we are going from two locations to one. We will continue with the breeding at t Haantje in Rijswijk. So if you are looking for the horse of your dreams…

First foal of 2024 born!

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We are very happy with this beautiful, refined colt by Royal Supreme SH Revelation x Masterpiece Flow

Saint Nicholas

Pietje came to visit us at the Zegwaard stable with treats!!

Stal Zegwaard in Dream Horse show with Britt Dekker at Indoor Friesland

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