Summer show ICAMH

Showresults: Both horses were for the first time to the show for us. Covergirls Sahara I Candy Hawk 2nd place senior mares 30 inch / 32 inch. 1st place solid color mares. HT Stormy Wizzard is only 5 months old but…

Enter and Twenter show NMPRS 2016 resounding success!!

Saturday 18 June the enter and twenter inspection of the NMPRS was held in Bunschoten. A very busy day with about 164 registrations. 7 horses of ours participated (owned by us or bred by Stal Zegwaard). And all 7 horses…

IMHC Aalten was a great success!

A super good day for our AMHA horses at the show of the IMHC in Aalten! Our approved stallion Don Diego de La Vega was Reserve Champion in the senior stallions. His two daughters were also with him. SZ Kingdom of Heaven won…

First premium SZ Ice Ice Baby

SZ Ice Ice Baby approved by the NMPRS in the large size class with a first premium.

Dutch champion NMPRS mare inspection 2015

Wow what a super day it was for the horses of stable Zegwaard at the NMPRS mare inspection 2015! We brought 5 horses and all 5 of them got a nice first premium. SZ Hello Little One and Masterpiece Flow were allowed to come back for the championship.…

Falabella Molinera again European champion!

Falabella Molinera became European champion again last Falabella inspection! She was also champion once in 2013. She had only been with us in the Netherlands for half a year before we bought her from Argentina.…

Dutch & Reserve Champion Enter & Twenter Inspection NMPRS

Saturday 27 June the annual Enter & Twenter inspection was held in Bunschoten. Stal Zegwaard entered with 4 mares and 1 stallion and these horses all competed in the mini-size class (up to 87 cm). All 4 mares achieved a…

Spring Fling Show Icamh and MHCE Show Aalten

Last month our American horses went to the show. They all showed themselves very well and achieved great results. With as highlight our 3 year old mare SZ Too hot to Tango's Happy Doll. She was placed in De Mortel at…

Mare Inspection NMPRS 2014

Unfortunately we didn't have the champion this year, but a few horses did get a nice first premium. And SZ Gorgeous but Naughty and Emotica Milagro ran in the championship round.

Giovanni European champion Falabella inspection 2014!

Zegwaard Falabella Giovanni measures 87 cm and descends from Falabella Gilette (87 cm) and Falabella Primavera (75 cm). Both parents have produced several European champions. Falabella Primavera descends from the world famous Falabella…